Services :: Warehouse Services


The transport and logistics company Wintershall Dea Global Support B.V., as part of a comprehensive service for the transport of liquid dangerous goods , stores the dangerous goods in a warehouse in Rotterdam Netherlands . The company provides storage of dangerous goods on the basis of the norms and requirements specified by Russian legislation and international standards.

Transportation and storage of dangerous goods

Wintershall Dea Global Support B.V. has a license and permission to transport and store dangerous goods of various hazard classes, in particular from 3 to 9. We are not engaged in the storage and transportation of dangerous goods of class 1, which include explosive materials. We do not work with goods of the second class of danger - gases liquefied and compressed. All other goods - flammable solids,
flammable substances, organic peroxides and oxidizing agents, infectious and toxic substances, caustic substances and other hazardous substances are accepted for transportation and storage.
The company's warehouses for storing dangerous goods in Rotterdam Netherlands strictly meet certain requirements, in particular, the storage room is fire-resistant and single-storey, the warehouse is divided into separate sections by fireproof solid walls with separate exits. Such premises are located at a distance of not less than 300 m from other combustible buildings and no closer than 100 m from fire-resistant structures. When storing dangerous goods on the temporary storage area, the room is equipped with fire extinguishing means in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Storage in bulk and liquid cargo.

For storage of bulk cargo in large volumes, vertical cylindrical tanks with a capacity of up to 20 thousand m3 or horizontal tanks with a capacity from 3-5 to 80-100 m3 are used. The tanks are equipped with devices for receiving and delivering cargo, filling into small containers, inspecting, controlling its level, ventilation, heating or cooling devices, fire-fighting devices, etc. Liquid cargo in company warehouses can be stored in warehouses in various containers - barrels, bottles , drums, or without packaging and bulk. For storage of liquid goods in containers used stacks and racks.
According to the approved standards, the Wintershall Dea Global Support B.V. warehouse is equipped with explosion-proof electric lighting, all switches and fuses are located outside the room. The windows are glazed and closed with metal bars from the inside, the doors are fire resistant, the ventilation is mechanical. There is no central steam and stove heating. The warehouse is under constant security, equipped with telephone and fire alarms.
Tank container in Rotterdam Netherlands Forwarding tank containers Handling / reloading of bulk and dangerous goods Transportation of dangerous and bulk cargo in tank containers